About Christie Lea
Canadian Writer & Mother
Christie Lea is an Author and Mother living in British Columbia, Canada with her husband, two children and very ill-behaved Beagle, Obi. Christie has been writing all her life, however, her professional career started just three years ago. After suffering from serious health complications resulting from a PTSD diagnosis after thirteen years of being a first responder, Christie left her vocation and began to explore other avenues of expression as part of her healing. "Safe In Starry Arms" was born naturally out of this process and while it's based on the experiences of a little boy, it's actually based on Christie's own deep struggle with anxiety, depression, disconnectedness and fear.
Christie is currently working on two more works of fiction - a poetic prose picture book entitled "What a Girl Can Do' that expresses beautifully some of the challenges that being a girl growing into a woman can pose in today's day and age. Christie is collaborating with a local sketch artist and hopes to release "What a Girl Can Do" later in 2021.
Christie is also collaborating again with her amazing illustrator for "Safe in Starry Arms", Di, #artbydi on another adventure series this time starring little Nulah Rose who's been given the rather large task of helping to save Earth by bringing awareness to a pervasive global imbalance. This work is entitled, "A Time to Shine" and hopefully will be released in 2021/2022. Stay tuned to keep on top of when these projects will be finished and available to you!
Christie continues to write for pleasure as well including a new Haiku collection that can be found on her Instagram page, "Christie_Lea_Author" or her Facebook page, "Safe in Starry Arms". Christie also loves to dance, spend time at the beach, hang out with friends and finds solace in daily meditation.
Christie would like to encourage everyone to support local, stay safe and remember those people who may be struggling internally in these challenging times. And would also like to remind everyone that we are ALL "Safe In Starry Arms"!!!!